When we looked at the classroom door of our teacher, there was an ad for a theatre play in Lippstadt. We asked him if we could go there and he said that we were the only class who asked him. So, it was a definite yes. Our English teacher liked the ide of it because the whole thing was in English.
Then, on February 23rd (2023) our class made its way to the theatre. The first thing that surprised us was that the whole play was performed by just 4 people – one woman and three men. It lasted about 90 minutes and the location was the theatre in Lippstadt. It is a nice hall, by the way. Worth visiting!
A short synopsis of the play would look like this:
California, 1969. An ‘undisciplined’ class and a teacher are dealing with the topic of the “Third Reich Germany” in their lessons. The students don’t believe that cruelties like back then could happen again and the teacher comes up with a rather unorthodox idea of how to teach them. But this idea takes a dramatic turn.
Those people who did not want to join this organisation were scoffed at and beaten up. The teacher had to end this experiment but an important lesson was learned:
Everyone is responsible for their own actions and you must always question and not blindly follow a leader. You must never allow a group’s will to overtake your individual rights.
By Yaser Danismaz (9a) and support